The winners of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival 2022

The winners of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival 2022

And the winners of the 2022 edition of the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival are…

Méliès d’argent Award Winner – Feature Films @ Trieste Science+Fiction Festival 2022

The competition is organized in collaboration with the Méliès International Festivals Federation (MIFF) and is reserved for European fantastic feature films. The prize is awarded by an international jury composed by Giles Edwards, Loris Curci and Maura McHugh. The award goes to:

The winners of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival 2022

by Andrew Legge
UK / Ireland, 2022

It’s 1940, and sisters Thom and Mars build a machine, LOLA, that can intercept radio and TV broadcasts from the future, allowing them to hear iconic music before composition, place foolproof bets and embrace their inner Punk. But with World War II escalating, the sisters decide to intercept future information to help with military intelligence that rapidly twists Nazi misfortunes. While Thom becomes intoxicated by LOLA, Mars realizes the terrible consequences of its power. As their relationship collapses, Thom makes a fatal error that leads to a nightmarish future. Can their love for each other save the world they’ve lost? 

The jury was impressed with the quality and range of work submitted for this year’s award and we enjoyed a robust conversation about the films under review.We choose the winner based on the inventive execution of its unique vision, its captivating performances, and its joyful recognition of the essential human need for music as a form of expression, especially during periods of turmoil. After all, who can live in a future without David Bowie?

Special mention
Vesper” by Kristina Buozyte and Bruno Samper (Lituania/France/Belgium, 2022), to acknowledge the film’s well-conceived world and nuanced acting.

Méliès d’argent Award Winner – Short Films @ Trieste Science+Fiction Festival 2022

The competition is organized in collaboration with the Méliès International Festivals Federation (MIFF) and the award goes to the best European short film. The winner of the competition is chosen by the theatre audience votes and also wins the nomination to the Méliès d’or annual competition.

The winners of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival 2022

by Antonella Sabatino and Stefano Blasi
Italia, 2022

In a world without food and overgrown with plastic, Zigle Clinic tests a new food re-education Method, which is coveted by many but granted to few. Giulia is one of the patients chosen by the Clinic.  

Don’t forget to watch the MELIES D’ARGENT Special Programs on our Méliès Fantastic Hub!