Phonetastic! Sitges to launch Mobile Film Festival!
The web and festival app will be presented in Sitges this October and the big event will take place in Sitges 2014. However, Sitges is already programing shorts made with mobile phones for the presentation of the project during Sitges 2013. So, if you have a short film made on a mobile phone, or know of anyone interested in participating in this first launching edition of PHONETASTIC in october, please give him/her this information and contact Mike at Sitges, and he’ll let them know the requirements.
All shorts received for this 2013 presentation will be shown in Sitges and will be automatically accepted to the 2014 competition, that will include cash awards.
So, any young talent you may know that are eager to shoot a short with their mobile phone, or have it done already, please send your film to Sitges, at
Write “Phonetastic” in the subject of the email.