Dogs Don’t Wear Pants
Juha has lost his wife in a drowning accident. Years after he still feels numb and unable to connect with people. Meeting Mona, a dominatrix, changes everything.
Juha has lost his wife in a drowning accident. Years after he still feels numb and unable to connect with people. Meeting Mona, a dominatrix, changes everything.
In a cuckoo clock, a lonely man is living who is launched from his little house every hour to ‘çuckoo’ exactly in time. Until he is faced with an unexpected dilemma in this bizarre comedy. At the top of every hour, the man in the cuckoo clock buckles up in his launching chair and shoots…
In a dark world, devastated by lies and dominated by fear, we continue with our self-destructive routines towards extinction. When the richest of the bourgeois discover that their oxygen reserves are decreasing, they will not hesitate to use their influences and capacity for blackmail to restore them.
In futuristic Los Angeles, one lonesome drug dealer tries to scrape enough credits for the ticket to Off World Islands. Racing against the clock, he encounters a cop with an agenda of his own.
In Fabric is a haunting ghost story set against the backdrop of a busy winter sales period in a department store and follows the life of a cursed dress as it passes from person to person, with devastating consequences…
When a wealthy stockbroker hires a rough builder to renovate the wine cellar underneath his country house, the two men fall out with chilling consequences. (source: Abertoir)
After doing some things you don’t want to look at yourself in a mirror. Especially this mirror. (source: Filmg85)
In the heart of a group of birds, the indignant Moann feels her body changing. In a society where the greatest concern is the size and ambition of one’s wings, nihilist Ciobeck tries to protect her. But how can one survive in a barren land, populated by imprisoned-mind people? (source: Vivement Lundi!)
The world is a wonderful stage, but its characters are disgraceful. (source: Autour de minuit)
In this world being perfect is illegal, sadly, Ivan has tested positive for perfection. The law states he must attend an imperfection clinic to undertake a test to determine what problem he must be given in order to assimilate to the flawed world around him. – source: Gary Roberts
In the most secret capital of the world a crowd attends a show while a disaster threatens the whole city… (source: bathysphere productions)
A deceased farmer is buried by his hated brother, the vicar. Worms inhabit the corpse, discoveringthey’ve full control over it. The dead farmer awakens… – source: Erik van Schaaik