Quenottes (Pearlies) is a story about a little mouse, but not just any mouse. It is THE little mouse, or tooth fairy, of your childhood. The one that brought you your first coin in exchange for the tooth under your pillow. In everybody’s mind, the little mouse is a benevolent and generous character… What if…

Jay is an insomniac. A strange presence will become his executioner and liberator. (Source: Molins de Rei)

The Faeries of Blackheath Woods
Litte girl in the woods. Visually rich in details the film transforms a simple tale of childish curiosity gone hideously astray into a beautiful and intense short film. (Source: LIFFF)

Out of a Forest
A family of rabbits are having a birthday party under a big tree, unaware that a mischievous wolf is approaching. (Source: IMDB)
Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale
In the depths of the Korvatunturi mountains, 486 metres deep, lies the closest ever guarded secret of Christmas. The time has come to dig it up! This Christmas everyone will believe in Santa Claus. (Source: IMDB)

The Boy with a Camera for a Face
A satirical comedy about a boy that was born with a camera for a face.

At the age of 8, will, discipline and personality of a child begin to take shape and the contrast between good and evil takes its way. Finally it’s time to see our desire fulfilled. His desire. Be quiet. You are invited. (Source: MadTerrorFest)

La Noria
A young boy who loves to draw and build ferris wheels encounters strange creatures that turn his life upside down.