Trieste Science+Fiction Festival Méliès selection 2020

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival presents the Méliès d’argent feature films competition 2020
The competition is organized in collaboration with the Méliès International Festivals Federation (MIFF) and is reserved to European fantastic feature films. The prize is awarded by an international jury composed of cinema professionals (Pino Donaggio, music composer; Sabrina Baracetti, president of Udine Far East Film Festival; Martin Turk, director) and also counts as a nomination to take part in the annual competition for the Méliès d’or Award.
Archive — Gavin Rothery / UK, Hungary, USA
Boys From County Hell — Chris Baugh / Ireland, UK
How I Became a Superhero — Douglas Attal / France
Jumbo — Zoé Wittock / France, Belgium, Luxembourg
The Last Journey of Paul W.R. — Romain Quirot / France
Meander — Mathieu Turi / France
Mortal — André Øvredal / Norway, USA, UK
Post Mortem — Péter Bergendy / Hungary
The Trouble With Being Born — Sandra Wollner / Austria, Germany
Yummy — Lars Damoiseaux / Belgium
Trieste Science+Fiction Festival presents the Méliès d’argent short films competition 2020
Here is the list of the short films chosen for the Short Film Competitive Section of the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival which can be candidates for the Méliès d’argent Award 2020.
Méliès d’argent Award — Shorts Competition is organized in collaboration with the Méliès International Festivals Federation (MIFF) and is reserved to European fantastic short films. The prize is awarded to the short film that gets the most votes from the audience and also counts as a nomination to take part in the annual competition for the Méliès d’or Award.