Melies d’argent winners at Fantaspoa 2019

Short Films (Jury members Ignácio Lopez Vacas and Getro Guimarães)

Honorable Mentions:

For working on animation in Brazil, a country in which is so hard: O Homem na Caixa, directed by Ale Borges, Alvaro Furloni, Guilherme Gehr

For capturing the ciberpunk spirit: Robot Will Protect You, directed by Nicola Piovesan

Best Scream Queen: Sofía Peres, from Dead Teenager Séance, directed by Dante Vescio and Rodrigo Gasparini

Official Awards:

Best Brazilian Short Film: Médico de Monstro, directed by Gustavo Teixeira

Best International Animated Short Film: Wild Love, directed by Paul Autric, Quentin Camus, Léa Georges, Maryka Laudet, Zoé Sottiaux, Corentin Yvergniaux

Best International Live Short Film: Tu Último Día En La Tierra, directed by Marc Martínez Jordán

Animated Feature Film (Jury members Bianca de França Zasso and Carlos Thomaz Albornoz)

Best Animated Feature Film: Seder-Masochism, directed by Nina Paley

Ibero-American Competition (Jury members JJ Weber and Drew Thomas)

Honorable Mentions:

Best Lettering: Soy Tóxico, directed by Pablo Parés

Best Soundtrack: 7 Raons Per Fugir, directed by Esteve Soler, Gerard Quinto and David Torras

Official Awards:

Best Actor: Pedro Barão Dias (Mutant Blast, directed by Fernando Alle)

Best Actress: Gabriela Ramos (¿Eres Tú, Papá?, directed by Rudy Riverón Sánchez)

Melhor Roteiro: Fernando Alle (Mutant Blast, directed by Fernando Alle)

Best Direction: Daniel de la Vega for Punto Muerto

Melhor Filme: ¿Eres Tú, Papá? directed by Rudy Riverón Sánchez

International Competition: (Jury members André Kleinert and Diego Faraone)

Honorable Mentions:

Ende Neu, directed by Leonel Dietsche: Achievement in Cinematography

His Master’s Voice, directed by György Pálfi: Artistic Contribution

Alive, directed by Rob Grant: Best Bloodbath

Official Awards:

Best Actor: Eugene Simon, for Kill Ben Lyk, directed by Erwan Marinopoulos

Best Actress: Monique Gabriela Curnen, for Model Home, directed by Patrick Cunningham

Best Special Effects: HeadHunter, directed by Jordan Downey

Best Art Direction: I’m Lying Now, directed by Pawel Borowski

Best Screenplay: Brama (The Gateway), directed by Volodymyr Tykhyy

Best Director: Kirill Sokolov, for Papa, Sdokhni

Best Film: Wilkolak, directed by Adrian Panek

Best Film Audience Award: Alive, directed by Rob Grant