The Recycling Man

The Recycling Man

In an overpopulated and underprivileged suburban neighbourhood, Jacob, a boy immobilised on a wheelchair, fights to protect a girl he spots across the courtyard, doing all he can to warn her of the dark figure entering her room – The Recycling Man.

Slice of Life

Slice of Life

In futuristic Los Angeles, one lonesome drug dealer tries to scrape enough credits for the ticket to Off World Islands. Racing against the clock, he encounters a cop with an agenda of his own.



Olivia is the mother to an adorable four month old baby girl. She should be happy, but alone in her apartment she feels a greater resistance to take care of her own child. We also meet Isa who lives carefree with her perfect family, living the dream life Olivia yearns for. The postpartum depression takes…

The Problemless Anonymous

The Problemless Anonymous

In this world being perfect is illegal, sadly, Ivan has tested positive for perfection. The law states he must attend an imperfection clinic to undertake a test to determine what problem he must be given in order to assimilate to the flawed world around him. – source: Gary Roberts



When a wealthy stockbroker hires a rough builder to renovate the wine cellar underneath his country house, the two men fall out with chilling consequences. (source: Abertoir)

The Absence of Eddy Table

The Absence of Eddy Table

What if your worst fear and your greatest love turn out to be the same thing? Lost in a dark forest, Eddy Table stumbles upon a mysterious girl and dangerous parasites. What if your worst fear and your greatest love turn out to be the same thing? Lost in a dark forest, Eddy Table stumbles…